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Managed Microsoft Security Services

Key Facts

  • Maximum data security for your cloud architecture
  • Securing the entire IT environment
  • Customized, highly functional cyber care suite

Product Description

Manage Microsoft 365 Defender and Azure Defender professionally. Microsoft 365 Defender and Azure Defender offer a bundle of services for the security of your cloud-based Modern Workplace with Microsoft 365. Numerous tools take on a wide range of tasks and offer a variety of services for your security - with the help of Arvato Systems, you can use the security services in a targeted and tailored manner for your company. We view your security model as an ongoing process and accompany you through all project steps. As a long-standing Microsoft partner and experienced cloud provider, we know all the interfaces and functionalities of the Microsoft 365 platform in order to exploit the maximum potential of your infrastructure. Thanks to our intensive consulting services and Managed Microsoft Security Services, your data is comprehensively protected against classic and modern cyber attacks. Managed Microsoft Security Services - individual and highly professional. To ensure the security of your entire IT environment, we at Arvato Systems consider security to be an integral component at all levels of your Modern Workplace. This is where our Managed Microsoft Security Services come in. Thanks to our Managed Microsoft Security Services, our specialists in the Security Operations Center (SOC) continuously monitor your entire infrastructure. In this way, we keep the Secure Score at a top level and enable the highest level of cyber security.
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