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A global top 5 data protection vendor & unified data resilience platform provider.

About us


We offer

  • Application security
  • Archiving / Long-term storage
  • Data leakage / loss prevention
  • Data recovery
  • Managed security services


  • Industrial IT security
Landsberger Straße 155
80687 München

About us

Arcserve, a global top 5 data protection vendor and unified data resilience platform provider, offers the broadest set of best-in-class solutions to manage, protect, and recover all data workloads, from SMB to enterprise, regardless of location or complexity. Arcserve solutions eliminate complexity while bringing best-in-class, cost-effective, agile, and massively scalable data protection and certainty across all data environments. This includes on-prem, off-prem (including DRaaS, BaaS, and Cloud-to-Cloud), hyper-converged, and edge infrastructures. The company's nearly three decades of award-winning IP, plus a continuous focus on innovation, means that partners and customers, including MSPs, VARs, LARs, and end-users, are assured of the fastest route to next-generation data workloads and infrastructures. A 100% channel-centric organization, Arcserve has a presence in over 150 countries, with 19,000 channel partners helping to protect 235,000 customers' critical data assets.
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