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AlgoSec of the it-sa 365
default Stage Background

Hall 7A - Booth Number 7A-706


With the AlgoSec platform, your application connectivity and security policies are covered

About us










We offer

  • Application security
  • Cloud (computing) security
  • Compliance / GRC (products and services)
  • Firewalls


  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
No. 1, Royal Exchange
EC3V 3DG London
United Kingdom

About us

 Secure your application delivery pipeline With the AlgoSec platform, your connectivity and security policies are covered to ensure that you can securely accelerate your application delivery. The AlgoSec platform automates application connectivity and security policy across the hybrid network estate, including public cloud, private cloud, containers, and on-premises networks. Move fast and deliver applications quickly Security threats are increasing, even as you need to deliver faster than ever before. The AlgoSec platform enables you to securely deliver applications – without compromising on security. Work Smoothly Don’t sacrifice security or agility with broken links in the chain. The AlgoSec platform helps ensure connectivity and security policy are a part of the entire application delivery pipeline.
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