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Fake-Shop Detector exposes online fraud


Institutes / initiatives Open source (software and services) Artificial intelligence Forensics Awareness

Product Description

Fake shops on the Internet are becoming more and more numerous and at the same time more and more difficult to detect. The Fake-Shop Detector, developed by AIT in close cooperation with the Austrian Institute for Applied Telecommunications (ÖIAT) and the Austrian Internet specialist X-Net, helps to track down online fraudsters. The Fake-Shop Detector uses artificial intelligence to check unknown online shops in real time for more than 21,000 characteristics. Above all, permanent human quality control of the AI is an integral part of the AI-based solution. If a shop is suspicious, the Detector issues an alert and protects consumers from online fraud. Last year, this success led to a new partnership between AIT and the Bavarian Ministry of Justice to tailor the successful Fake-Shop Detector to the specific needs of law enforcement and to further develop it for their investigative work. The tool has also won several awards (eAward 2023, Austrian State Prize for Digitisation 2024, Constantinus Award 2024, KSÖ Security Award 2024) and was recently named the Austrian winner among 35 international cyber security products tested for their effectiveness against fake shops by independent system testing experts AV-Comparatives. The development of the Fake-Shop Detector is funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance under the KIRAS security research programme. Further information:

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