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AIT Cyber Range – Modern Training for Operating Cyber-Resilient Critical Infrastructures


Institutes / initiatives Authorities / associations Open source (software and services) Artificial intelligence Cryptography Forensics Consulting IT security Education / training / qualification Awareness Threat analysis SIEM Security information and event management Risk analysis and management Penetration tests

Product Description

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology operates as worldwide first IAEA Collaborating Centre in the field of cyber security for nuclear safety in IAEA´s member states. The AIT has designed a unique digital and hybrid simulation platform and operates a training center at its premises in Vienna – the AIT Cyber Range. The advanced audio-video setup in the training room allows participants to engage flexibly with each other, e.g., participants can share their screen with the entire class on large projector screens. This can be used to facilitate group discussions. Reflecting the need to accommodate online events and participants, the training room includes facilities to live stream video and audio to the Internet. More information:

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