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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-341

Airlock WAF

Logo Airlock

by Airlock


Artificial intelligence Cryptography Web application security Interface protection / Device management

Key Facts

  • Filtering (Attack blocking)
  • Fraud detection
  • Threat Intelligence

Product Description

Airlock WAF analyses all the traffic to the services and applications under protection, blocking attempted attacks long before they reach in-house services. Airlock WAF provides comprehensive protection against OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities, enabling centralized management of security guidelines. Thanks to these innovative security functions, companies can always stay a step ahead of attackers. Working in conjunction with Airlock IAM, Airlock WAF serves as a central implementation point for security guidelines (policy enforcement point), to ensure that all access is authenticated and authorized. Airlock WAF’s many interfaces, with peripheral systems such as security information and event management (SIEM) systems, virus scanners, threat intelligence, fraud prevention systems, and hardware security modules (HSMs), make it the central hub in any security architecture.
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