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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-341

Airlock Secure Access Hub

Logo Airlock

by Airlock




Artificial intelligence Application security Mobile security Interface protection / Device management Web application security Cloud (computing) security Data protection, data security Authentication Access protection Admission control User (rights) management Biometrics Electronic signatures Identity and access management Cryptography Single sign-on

Key Facts

  • Evolution of application security
  • Access Management that makes customers really happy
  • Future-proof with API and Microservice Security

Product Description

Due to digitalization, web applications have become the most business-critical part of the IT landscape and at the same time the most attractive target for hackers. Airlock solves the challenges of application security with its unique approach: both ¬identities and content are controlled upstream. Strong authentication can be ensured through ¬flexible user and token management as well as integrated two- factor authentication across all ¬applications. The coordinated overall solution offers protection of data, identities, applications, and APIs as well as maximum availability via load balancing. The user-friendliness is increased, among other things, by single sign-on. Extensive user self-services can also save operating costs. The Airlock Secure Access Hub ¬integrates future requirements for secure access management in a coordinated and coherent solution consisting of a Web Application Firewall (WAF), an API gateway (API), a customer IAM system (IAM), and two-factor authentication. Through intelligent interfaces, the individual components are matched to each other and previously loose ends can be linked. Benefits of the Airlock Secure Access Hub Security Airlock protects what many organizations fear: Data theft and attacks on applications. So that you can protect yourself today from the risks of tomorrow. User-experience Security meets convenience: Airlock offers your customers frictionless user experience with single sign-on, social registration, comprehensive user self-services, and consent management. Time-to-market If you want to go to market quickly, you shouldn’t reinvent the wheel. The same applies to security. By using sophisticated security, you can greatly accelerate your time-to-market cycles. Cutting costs The driving forces of digitalization are cost-reduction and the simplification of processes. The Airlock Secure Access Hub supports both of these forces: the coherent system architecture guarantees an attractive TCO.
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