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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-341

Airlock IAM

Logo Airlock

by Airlock


Identity and access management Electronic signatures Biometrics User (rights) management Admission control Access protection Single sign-on Authentication

Key Facts

  • Extensive authentication options
  • Multifactor authentication 2FA / MFA
  • Step-up and step-down authentication

Product Description

Airlock IAM is the central access management component of the Secure Access Hub. It guarantees users secure access to data and applications, with single sign-on and automated user administration. Airlock IAM offers context-based authentication of users and clients, and authorises access. The large number of authentication methods supported allows for flexible implementation of strong authentication in conjunction with company-wide single sign-on. Even externally managed identities such as social login profiles or IDs from a federation group, such as SwissID, for example, can be integrated.
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