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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-341

Airlock API

Logo Airlock

by Airlock


Open source (software and services) Artificial intelligence Cloud (computing) security Web application security Interface protection / Device management Mobile security Application security

Key Facts

  • Enforces API Specification
  • API Keys and Usage Plans
  • Multitenancy for REST API

Product Description

Airlock API gateway provides custom protection for interfaces, securing connections to a wide range of peripheral systems. JSON Schema and OpenAPI specifications can be uploaded and enforced on the API gateway. Innovative functions such as dynamic value endorsement (DyVE) also enable dynamic whitelisting of permitted variables within API interactions. SOAP/XML requests can also be checked against formal definitions such as a WSDL specification. Access control is one of the most important issues in the context of API protection; all the relevant standards, such as OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect 1.0, are supported in conjunction with Airlock IAM.
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