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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-341

Airlock 2FA

Logo Airlock

by Airlock




Biometrics Admission control Access protection Single sign-on Authentication

Key Facts

  • User-friendly authentication and confirmation of transactions
  • Suitable authentication methods for every application Zero-Touch, One-Touch, Offline QR Code, Passcode (OTP), Hardware Token Option
  • Optimal user experience Self-migration and self-management by end users

Product Description

Airlock 2FA Airlock 2FA is integrated into Airlock IAM and makes strong authentication possible with a second factor. Every customer has the management and use of their personal keys on their smartphone (iOS and Android). Airlock 2FA offers modern authentication methods such as zero touch, one touch, offline QR code, passcode and passwordless. This user-friendly and future-proof solution is also cost-efficient. The entire functionality is implemented as a REST API and therefore enables seamless integration into modern single page applications (SPA) and native smartphone apps.
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