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SOC Services

Product Expert





Institutes / initiatives Application security Network security Server-based computing Web application security Asset management / IT documentation Big data Security Cloud (computing) security Endpoint security Intrusion detection / prevention Log management Vulnerability and patch management Security management APT protection Counter-intelligence Anti-virus and malware protection Threat analysis Business continuity Compliance / GRC (products and services) Computer emergency response team (CERT) Data leakage / loss prevention Data protection, data security Forensics Managed security services Authorities / associations SIEM Security information and event management

Key Facts

  • We provide true end-to-end protection through each step of organisations’ cybersecurity journey. From legacy IT networks to cloud solutions and OT systems, we offer comprehensive cyber protection.
  • Continuous research and development is crucial to staying one step ahead of cyber attackers. This enables us to anticipate future service needs and create the most advanced cyber ecosystems.
  • We are the sovereign European choice, protecting government, defence and critical business.

Product Description

We protect clients from both known and unknown cyber threats. Our comprehensive end-to-end Security Operations Centers (SOC) services are delivered from secure premises in the UK, France, Germany and Spain. They include:

Managed detection and response (MDR)

  • Modular solution with different service levels and options known and unknown threat detection and response
  • Reduced detection time with AI-based solutions, threat intelligence and expert knowhow
  • Fast response – combining automation and human factors
  • “Easy to integrate with legacy or new detection layer solutions, creating expansive threat management capabilities, with the capabilities to combine as well proactive services with reactive SOC one
  • Proactive remediation plan for long term cyber -resilienceFlexible, cost effective solution with fast implementation time

Tailored SOC-as-a-Service

  • Tailored service to meet clients’ specific business needs and confidentiality requirements
  • Service design, implementation and management delivered by a SOC team with up to three levels of expertise
  • Provision and management of detection systems, security analysis and regular reporting, all delivered by cybersecurity experts and coordinated by a service delivery manager
  • Seamless integration with existing solutions and services
  • Ensure compliance with country-specific regulations
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Product Expert

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