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Red Teaming

Product Expert





Institutes / initiatives Application security Network security Physical IT-security Server-based computing Web application security Cloud (computing) security Cyber-physical systems security Endpoint security Penetration tests Vulnerability and patch management APT protection Threat analysis Data leakage / loss prevention Data protection, data security Awareness Education / training / qualification Consulting IT security Authorities / associations

Key Facts

  • Our team of red team auditors is well trained and highly experienced at conducting exercises in a ‘real’ environment to assess the security level of information systems and improve organisations’ detection and response mechanisms.
  • Our red teamers already realised missions in several industries such as media, banking, government and OT.

Product Description

Carried out by a team of ethical hackers, a red team is designed to test your organisation’s cyber defences in the most realistic way possible. A typical exercise involves simulating attacks against critical functions and systems (people, processes and technologies) without informing your security team.

The red team can work alongside the blue team to combine offensive and defensive approaches, creating purple teaming.

Services we offer:

  • Devising an appropriate ‘plan of attack’ to match your organisation’s unique needs
  • Exploitation of vulnerable services exposed on the web
  • Phishing campaign
  • Compromising your internal network
  • And more


  • Physical intrusion
  • Social engineering
... read more

Product Expert

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