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Purple Teaming




Institutes / initiatives Application security Network security Server-based computing Web application security Cloud (computing) security Endpoint security Intrusion detection / prevention Log management Penetration tests Risk analysis and management Vulnerability and patch management APT protection Counter-intelligence Threat analysis Computer emergency response team (CERT) Data leakage / loss prevention Data protection, data security Awareness Education / training / qualification Consulting IT security Forensics Authorities / associations

Key Facts

  • We work with organisations across all sectors – from government to financial services to critical infrastructure and beyond.
  • This, combined with our decades of experience protecting Airbus’ complex systems and networks, makes us the perfect candidate to help you undertake a purple team exercise.

Product Description

At Airbus Protect, we believe in proactive cybersecurity measures that put you ahead of the curve. Our purple team exercises bring together the best of both worlds, combining the strengths of red and blue teams to create an unstoppable force for protection.

Picture this: your organisation’s defences fortified like never before. Working hand in hand with your internal SOC team, our expert consultants will simulate real-world attacks, uncover vulnerabilities and strengthen your security posture. Purple teaming is like having an elite cybersecurity dream team on your side!

Services we offer:

  • Pre-assessment: Together with your cybersecurity specialists, we create a threat scenario and adversary profile.
  • Tabletop exercise: Based on the above adversary profile, we work together to select the tools, techniques and procedures that would be used in a real threat scenario, which we simulate in a tabletop game.
  • Attack emulation: Based on a tabletop exercise playbook, collaboratively attack your production environment to identify weaknesses, improve defences and identify proactive mitigation strategies.
  • Strategic report: Following the attack emulation, we create a comprehensive report packed with actionable insights. It provides detailed analysis of encountered vulnerabilities, gaps in defences and areas for improvement within your organisation’s cybersecurity strategy and operations. The goal is to empower you to enhance your security measures, fortify defences and mitigate future threats.
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