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aigner business solutions GmbH of the it-sa 365

aigner business solutions GmbH

We offer consulting services in the fields of GDPR/ data protection and IT security.

About us






We offer

  • Business continuity
  • Risk analysis and management
  • ISMS (ISO-IEC 2700x / BS 7799)
  • BSI IT baseline protection
  • Education / training / qualification


  • Energy and water supply
  • Financial Sector
  • Healthcare
  • Industrial IT security
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Critical Infrastractures
  • E-Commerce

About us

We are one of the leading consulting companies in the field of GDPR/ data protection and IT security. With our team of experienced lawyers, data protection and IT security officers and our tried and tested processes, we help companies find their way in the constantly changing jungle of laws and directives, and develop a solution with them to enable them to integrate these laws into the company. In the field of data protection, we support companies to implement GDPR in a structured and efficient manner. We take on the job of an external data security officer - starting with the documentation, through legal assessments to its technical implementation. In the field of IT security we accompany you on the way to holistic information security in your organisation. We help you set up an information security management system or prepare you for a certification such as DIN ISO270001, ISIS12 or TISAX®. You can also ask for guidance in parts of the wide field of ISMS such as risk analysis or asset management. We offer individual measures in the form of consulting or projects as well. Our experts check your website, webshop or software with regard to GDPR conformity. We even train your employees via eLearning, on site or with the help of smart customer-individual video training. You are at the beginning of a GDPR or IT security project and don´t know where to start? We are pleased to assist you with a GAP analysis and a project plan. After that you can decide whether or not you would like to do the project on your own or with our assistance. We make data protection and IT security simple, safe and smart.
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