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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-242

FSP 3000 - Secure optical transport




Cryptography Data center security Network security Hardware security

Product Description

Our FSP 3000 is a scalable optical transport solution approved by BSI for transport of VS-V data. It is designed to efficiently deal with this demanding high-bandwidth applications, lowering its complexity and minimizing cost-per-bit and operational efforts. With an open and modular design, our FSP 3000 supports a wide range of services and applications, from data center interconnect (DCI) to carrier-optimized infrastructure solutions. Incorporating the latest innovation in photonic networking and our innovative ConnectGuard low-latency encryption technology, our FSP 3000 enables secure optical network solutions that can scale and accommodate tomorrow’s needs. As the first commercial post-quantum cryptography (PQC) optical transport solution, our FSP 3000 now also protects data against cyberattacks from quantum computers. Moreover, with a high-density and energy-efficient design for smallest footprint and power consumption, our FSP 3000 meets the most stringent sustainability requirements.
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