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Hall 8 / Booth Number 8-420 Hall 8 / Booth Number 8-424 Hall 8 / Booth Number 8-316

ADN Professional Services


Certification of products and services

Key Facts

  • End-to-end-services
  • Multi-Vendor-Expertise
  • Continuous support

Product Description

Our Professional Service, consisting of certified technicians and engineers, offers you an extensive catalog of manufacturer-dependent services. We won't leave you out in the rain! From reviewing a customer firewall and installation services to conducting design workshops: Our experienced system architects assist you remotely or on-site with any of your concerns.Our Presales team advises you on the design of IT environments, the economic calculation, and the proof of concept.Our Account Management is the backbone of our partner network, focusing on business development and enablement.Our dedicated Licensing & Renewal teams assist partners, especially in the Cloud business, in retaining customers long-term and maximizing revenues.

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