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Service New

Adaptron Backup-Expert - BCM and IT Disaster Recovery


Consulting IT security Education / training / qualification Auditing Backup solutions

Key Facts

  • The training provides the necessary expert knowledge for a secure and swift recovery over 12 weeks, including risk analysis and recommendations for improving the backup strategy.
  • Broad Target Audience: Suitable for IT managers, IT staff, IT trainees, IT consultants, ISB/DSB, and career changers who want to enhance their skills in data protection/backup and recovery.
  • Practical Application: Participants have the opportunity to directly apply the acquired knowledge in their company using the provided checklist and benefit from comprehensive supporting materials available after the live sessions.

Product Description

The ADAPTRON BACKUP-Expert training provides IT managers, employees, and career changers with the essential knowledge for a swift and secure recovery, for example, after a cyberattack. Over 12 weeks, participants will learn through online sessions and Q&A rounds how to develop comprehensive backup strategies, analyze risks, and protect their data from threats. Adaptron offers practical content and extensive support for implementation in your own company. Secure your business with the knowledge and skills of an ADAPTRON BACKUP-Expert.

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