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Hall 8 / Booth Number 8-408

Acronis Cyber Protect – AI-powered Integration of Data Protection and Cybersecurity

Logo Acronis

by Acronis



Product Description

Traditional security tools are not designed for today’s cyberthreats. The traditional approach of using a patchwork of protection tools – for backup, patch automation, antimalware, configuration management, and more – is complex, expensive, and ineffective. Acronis Cyber Protect offers a revolutionary approach to cyber protection by integrating data protection with cybersecurity.This integrated method eliminates complexity challenges, delivers better protection against today’s threats, and maximizes efficiency by saving time and money. > Cybersecurity and Endpoint Protection Endpoint protection management: vulnerability assessments and patch management, remote desktop and drive health > Antimalware Full stack, next-generation AI-based protection against malware, including URL filtering and automated backup scanning > Backup and Recovery Fast and reliable recovery of your apps, systems, and data on any device, from any incident

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