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Pleasant Password Server


Identity and access management User (rights) management Admission control Access protection Single sign-on

Key Facts

  • Password protection centrally controllable
  • Simple and intuitive operation
  • DSGVO compliant and data in-house

Product Description

Optimal password management: Pleasant Password Server is an excellent multi-user management tool for KeePass Password Safe, one of the most popular password managers in the world. Why was Pleasant Password Server developed? Pleasant Password Server has been designed with the popular and reliable password manager KeePass Password Safe in mind.   KeePass is an excellent solution for individual users. In the professional environment, where access to sensitive data and passwords must be partially restricted, the free password management is only suitable to a limited extent, since the multi-user function grants each user access to all passwords and data.   Pleasant Password Server is designed to take advantage of KeePass while providing solid administrative control that allows access restrictions to be applied according to corporate policies.   Pleasant Password Server extends one of the most popular password managers into a powerful KeePass server!   
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