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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-434

ACMP Desktop Automation

Key Facts

  • Unlimited possibilities for automation
  • Simple, intuitive creation of client commands & jobs
  • Standardise/simplify complex configuration processes

Product Description

Desktop Automation" is the technological heart of ACMP. It is able to conveniently automate all recurring tasks. The operation of the software is very simple for administrators and IT professionals and even technically less experienced users are able to work quickly and efficiently with the software. Without much programming knowledge, the so-called client commands help to manage all administrative tasks on server and client systems. Automation is the key to efficient IT management, from software distribution and patch management to configuration for complete desktop deployment. More than 170 customised client command commands, which the user uses intuitively, simply by dragging and dropping, form the basic framework of automation. This means that software distribution is also possible without any problems. 
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