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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-446

Professional Services


Consulting IT security Awareness Identity and access management Security management Vulnerability and patch management Risk analysis and management Penetration tests Email security

Key Facts

  • our agile security team with years of international experience advises customers in the public and private sectors on all relevant cybersecurity topics.
  • "get compliant" ... our experts are at your side on current topics such as NIS 2 and DORA.
  • "CISO as a Service" ... our experts are constantly working on the development of a holistic security portfolio so that we can provide you with optimum support in securing your IT networks.

Product Description

IT security is a critical aspect in today's digital world, as businesses and organizations increasingly rely on complex IT and OT infrastructures while facing a wide range of cyber threats.

Our agile security team combines years of expertise in IT, IoT/OT, network and information security, and data protection. Depending on the requirements, we also provide interested customers with experts from the areas of Organization, Risk & Compliance, Audit & Penetration Testing, or Security Awareness as part of our CISO-as-a-Service.

Our services cover a wide range of tasks:

Cybersecurity Consulting: our team helps organizations develop and implement a comprehensive security strategy and policies. As well as include identifying risks, planning security measures, and selecting the right security technologies. (CISOaaS)

Penetration Testing/ Vulnerability Assessment/ Red-Teaming: A1 Digital Professional Services performs penetration testing to uncover security weaknesses in a company's IT systems and make recommendations to address these weaknesses.

Compliance and data protection: Our experts provide support in complying with legal requirements and data protection regulations, such as the new NIS2 directive or the General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO).

Security architecture design: Our experts look at the strategic alignment as well as the technical architecture and design of your IT and OT infrastructure including all systems and solutions. We help with the technical assessment, implementation and review of your systems based on your security requirements.

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