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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-446



Threat analysis Vulnerability and patch management Risk analysis and management

Key Facts

  • Enterprise-wide scans: Offensity tests across the enterprise and its scanning covers the company's areas holistically - no matter how hidden and forgotten they may be.
  • Precise reporting: Offensity's reporting provides a clear, efficient decision-making basis for your management. At the same time, technicians can retrieve complex information and delve into details.
  • European security service: Offensity is a European security service that uses in-depth expertise to assess how secure your company is. We work according to current European standards and laws.

Product Description

End-to-end security instead of selective tests.

With Offensity, you can protect your corporate IT against threats automatically and consistently. Offensity relies on continuous monitoring instead of selective testing. Continuously updated, automated processes monitor your systems and test them immediately after new vulnerabilities are discovered.

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