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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-446

European Cloud Hosting


Consulting IT security Document management Data protection, data security Data leakage / loss prevention Archiving / Long-term storage Compliance / GRC (products and services) Business continuity Backup solutions Cloud (computing) security

Key Facts

  • Cloud HSM (Cloud-based Hardware Security Module HSM)
  • Runtime encryption everywhere
  • DSGVO compliant cloud solution

Product Description

European Cloud Hosting

With 6 datacenters located across Europe only, application owners can select the best location for their data – no hidden backups. Operated and serviced by our local team of experts and developers, battle-hardened from experience in highly critical environments and industries will ensure your data and services are safe from any technical or legal harm.


GDPR vs Cloud Act

The CLOUD Act requires companies with a branch office in the USA to grant US authorities access to stored data, even if the data is not stored in the USA. In short: Date belonging to American cloud providers can be accessed, even if the data center is located in Europe. Our Exoscale cloud platform is 100% European.

We have placed ourselves as the European alternative to the main US driven options available in the market. We ensure that the data that we store does not travel halfway around the world.


Securely host your data & build applications in the cloud

Scale your business and keep it up-to-date with Exoscale: A1 Digital’s secure, European-based cloud. All zones are within Europe, with 6 datacenters located in Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Bulgaria, making GDPR a breeze.

Exoscale was developed in Switzerland and is a member of the A1 Digital family since 2017. With Exoscale we deliver a product at European scale. Therefore, we operate under strict data privacy laws, such as GDPR. Please note that Exoscale is also safe in terms of customer relationship: no vendor lock-in! To ensure transparency to our customers, we always communicate on our daily operations/maintenance with a dedicated portal. 

Exoscale provides all necessary features to create resilient applications, based on standard technologies. Our measurements show that the availability of the service is above the SLA we promise. The products we deliver allow you to build better applications at scale.

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