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Woman with a headset infront of her notebook | IT Security Talks
IT Security Talks Stream I

Cyber Security Trends and Threat Detection Best Practices

calendar_today Tue, 16.04.2024, 12:15 - 12:45

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In this session, we’ll share new trends in cyber crime, including changes in initial access methods, ransomware groups, and attacker methodology. We’ll include some threat detection use cases and best practices. Celestine Jahren is the Director of International Sales at Censys - the internet intelligence platform. Censys empowers governments, enterprises, and researchers with the most comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date map of the internet to defend attack surfaces and hunt for threats. With a background in identify and access management and attack surface management, Celestine’s insights will focus on emerging threats, CVE trends, Zero Days, and how organizations can protect themselves.

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Language: English

Questions and Answers: Yes


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