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Forums it-sa Expo Knowledge Forum F

Ensuring compliance due to today's potential risks in SAP systems

The focus is on reviewing & optimizing SAP authorization concepts in order to identify security gaps and implement risk mitigation measures.

calendar_today Tue, 22.10.2024, 15:00 - 15:15

event_available On site

place Hall 9, Booth 9-443

Action description





Identity and access management

Key Facts

  • practical tools and strategies
  • ensure the security and compliance of your SAP systems
  • best practices and concrete recommendations



This action is part of the event Forums it-sa Expo

Action description

At a time when cyber threats and data breaches are omnipresent, ensuring compliance in SAP systems is becoming increasingly important. Pointsharp, a leading provider of identity and access management and compliance solutions, offers a comprehensive presentation dedicated to exactly these challenges.

Overview of the presentation

The presentation by János Reimer highlights the current potential risks in SAP systems and shows how companies can ensure their compliance. Specific measures will be presented to identify and close security gaps. Participants will gain valuable insights into the practice of compliance auditing and learn how they can optimize their SAP authorization concept.

Contents of the presentation

1. current threats and security risks

2. importance of compliance in SAP systems

3. compliance quick check

4. identification and elimination of vulnerabilities

5. technological support through SIVIS solutions

Benefits for the participants

Participants of the presentation will not only gain theoretical knowledge, but also practical tools and strategies to ensure the security and compliance of their SAP systems. Through the presentation of best practices and concrete recommendations for action, they will be able to implement immediately realizable measures in their own companies.

Why Pointsharp?

Pointsharp is characterized by many years of experience and expertise in SAP compliance and security management. With its comprehensive portfolio of solutions, Pointsharp offers companies of all sizes the opportunity to improve their IT security and arm themselves against internal and external threats. The Compliance Quick Check is a central tool that quickly and efficiently identifies security gaps and provides concrete suggestions for improvement.


In a constantly changing threat landscape, it is essential for companies to continuously check their SAP systems for security gaps and compliance violations. This presentation will provide valuable insights and practical solutions to successfully meet these challenges. Take the opportunity to learn from the experts and take your SAP security to the next level.
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Language: German

Questions and Answers: No


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