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Header of BeyondTrust
Forums it-sa Expo Knowledge Forum E

Identity Security in Focus: Detecting and preventing Cyber Attacks

This session explains how a central overview of identities can be obtained and how identity threats can be detected and reduced.

calendar_today Tue, 22.10.2024, 13:30 - 13:45

event_available On site

place Hall 9, Booth 9-103

Action description





Cloud Security Endpoint Protection Identity and access management Secure Homeoffice Websecurity / VPN Trend topic

Key Facts

  • Growing importance of the identity-first security strategy
  • Central overview of identities and their authorizations
  • Threat detection and corresponding recommendations



This action is part of the event Forums it-sa Expo

Action description

In an increasingly connected world, data protection and security are of paramount importance. We are currently witnessing a remarkable shift in the cyber security landscape towards identity-centred security measures. The focus is on understanding "who" is accessing "what", especially in the context of hybrid environments. Protecting against unauthorized access and ensuring adequate and secure access rights has never been more important. Nevertheless, sometimes too many rights are assigned or it is not possible to trace which identity has which rights.
Providing a robust identity security strategy is an enormous challenge for companies, as they often lack a holistic, cross-platform and cross-cloud overview of the identity landscape. The increasing number and complexity of identities and potential threats are often only recognized when it is already too late.
In this session, you will learn how to obtain a central overview of identities, accounts and their authorizations, how to detect identity threats, minimize undetected risks and strengthen your IT security strategy.

Highlights of this session:
• Growing importance of the identity-first security strategy
• Central overview of identities and their authorizations
• Threat detection and corresponding recommendations
• Presentation of a real-life case study

Gain valuable insights to guide your organization securely through the digital transformation and not only identify threats, but also act proactively.
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Language: German

Questions and Answers: No


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