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Header of MicroNova AG
Forums it-sa Expo Knowledge Forum D

Skilled labour shortage, new regulations & threats - how automation supports IT

Discover how IT automation helps companies respond to skilled labour shortages, new legislation and threats.

calendar_today Tue, 22.10.2024, 12:30 - 12:45

event_available On site

place Hall 7A, Booth 7A-106

Action description





Endpoint Protection Network Security / Patch Management Secure Homeoffice

Key Facts

  • Current challenges for IT departments
  • Skilled labours shortage, new regulations & threats
  • Solutions for the automation of IT processes


This action is part of the event Forums it-sa Expo

Action description

IT departments and administrators are faced with numerous additional tasks on top of their day-to-day business. Vacant positions cannot be filled due to a lack of candidates, routine tasks are becoming more complex, attacks more frequent and more sophisticated, and at the same time legislators are trying to respond with new regulations such as NIS2.

In order to remain competitive, organizations need to manage all these demands. In addition, cyber insurance requirements for policyholders are constantly increasing. Without such insurance, many companies are at risk in the event of a successful attack.
ManageEngine's solutions provide organizations with complete visibility into their structures and give early warning of vulnerabilities. ManageEngine's Endpoint Central provides an overview of all endpoints in the organization, enabling devices to be patched, software to be distributed and much more. This helps to automate routine IT tasks and effectively meet today's challenges.

In his presentation, Andreas Klare, Head of Sales at MicroNova, will show how companies can counteract the effects of the skills shortage by automating their IT processes. This allows repetitive tasks to be organized more efficiently, freeing up specialists for more complex and strategically important activities.

The presentation will also focus on new regulatory requirements, such as the NIS2 directive, and how organizations can meet them using ManageEngine products. The comprehensive security solutions also support compliance requirements and thus improve overall IT security in the company.

Finally, Andreas Klare explains the importance of cyber insurance and how automation can help meet the stringent requirements of insurers. By using solutions like ManageEngine's, companies can increase their IT security and efficiency. This not only minimizes the risk of cyber attacks, but also improves the conditions for obtaining cyber insurance.

In addition to valuable insights, the presentation will offer practical solutions on how companies can reduce the burden on their IT departments, protect themselves against new threats and comply with new regulatory requirements.

Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about ManageEngine's forward-looking solutions, which have been distributed in Germany by MicroNova for over 20 years.
... read more

Language: German

Questions and Answers: No


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