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Header of ATHENE | Fraunhofer SIT
Forums it-sa Expo Knowledge Forum A

The EU Cyber Resilience Act: Changes and Challenges for Manufacturers

The EU's Cyber Resilience Act requires manufacturers of products with deigital elements to comply with essential security requirements.

calendar_today Wed, 23.10.2024, 10:00 - 10:30

event_available On site

place Hall 6, Booth 6-215

Action description





Data security / DLP / Know-how protection Legislation, standards, regulations

Key Facts

  • CRA will be mandatory in at most 36 months; high penalties
  • Affects all manufacturers of products with digital elements
  • Requirements on processes and products


This action is part of the event Forums it-sa Expo

Action description

In this talk, we highlight the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) enacted by the European Union. The CRA applies to manufacturers of products with digital elements and establishes a common baseline level of IT security across all products. With the CRA, mandatory security requirements apply to products that are not yet covered by (usually stricter) sector-specific regulation as we know it from, e.g., the aerospace industry or healthcare devices. This makes the CRA a highly relevant topic specially for companies that do not have experience with security regulation yet as, e.g., industrial machines ("shopfloor hardware") are now affected for the first time. The same applies to smaller companies, e.g., SMEs working on mobile apps.

The CRA provides procedural as well as technical requirements. For example, manufacturers need to create and maintain a software bill of materials (SBOM), and establish a coordinated vulnerability disclosure (CVD) process that allows arbitrary external entities, not only the manufacturer's customers and partners, to report vulnerabilities in the products. Further, manufacturers must establish a monitoring for potential vulnerabilities being disclosed in the libraries and third-party dependencies of their products. If such a vulnerability becomes known and affects the security of the product, the manufacturer must provide a remedy, e.g., via an update. All of these processes need to be designed and/or adapted for the specific circumstances of the manufacturer and must be integrated into the design, development, implementation and support of products. This also includes the preparation of updates in compliance with the CRA.

On the technical requirements, the CRA requires manufacturers to safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of all data processed with the product. In contrast to existing regulation such as the GDPR, this requirements also affects data that is not personal or privacy-sensitive. Other requirements focus on ensuring the availability of devices and services, reducing the attack surface, providing secure default settings, and many other topics.

In this talk, we will give an overview of the most important topics and will provide guidance on how to get started on ensuring CRA compliance.

Similar in spirit to the GDPR, violations of the CRA will be punishable with fees relative to the annual yearly worldwide turnover of the manufacturer. With only (at most, depending on the topic) 36 months left to prepare for the CRA, manufacturers should get started on reviewing their processes and products and on identifying any shortcomings they still need to address. Aside from new requirements, the CRA also provides the opportunity for manufacturers to improve the security of their products in a structured way and to make these effects transparent to their customers.
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Language: English

Questions and Answers: No


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