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Forums it-sa Expo Knowledge Forum A

Cyber-resilient supply chains through scalable BCM and IT emergency audits

Protect supply chains from cyber risks: Managed services for BCM and IT emergency audits secure your production and meet NIS2 requirements.

calendar_today Tue, 22.10.2024, 14:00 - 14:15

event_available On site

place Hall 6, Booth 6-215

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Legislation, standards, regulations Governance, Riskmanagement and Compliance Industry 4.0 / IoT / Edge Computing Managed Security Services / Hosting


This action is part of the event Forums it-sa Expo

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In the global economy, where stable supply chains are crucial to the competitiveness of many companies, supply chain cybersecurity is of utmost importance. A single cyberattack, such as a ransomware attack, on a critical supplier can have catastrophic effects on the entire production chain. This can lead to production stoppages, massive financial losses and irreparable reputational damage. Against this background, ensuring supply chain security becomes a key challenge for companies, especially under the stricter requirements of the NIS2 directive.
The EU's NIS2 directive calls for greater security of supply chains, especially in critical infrastructure. Companies must therefore ensure that their suppliers have robust emergency and business continuity management (BCM) processes in place. These processes must be regularly and thoroughly audited to ensure supply chain resilience against cyber threats.
This is where our scalable solution approach comes in. EY offers companies the opportunity to comprehensively audit their suppliers for cybersecurity, IT emergency plans and BCM processes. This is done through a structured, scalable assessment process that can be carried out both remotely and on site worldwide. Our assessments cover both supply chain, IT and OT security aspects to ensure holistic protection.
Our solution allows companies to efficiently audit even a very large number of suppliers and ensure that all requirements from both the regulatory side (e.g. NIS2) and internal security standards are met. Particular attention is paid to the specific requirements of JiT/JiS production processes where delays cannot be tolerated.
By regularly reviewing and adjusting your suppliers' BCM and IT emergency plans, we minimize the risk that cyber attacks lead to production downtime. At the same time, we support you in meeting the requirements of the NIS2 directive and thus making your entire supply chain resilient and future-proof.
Protect your business operations and ensure your competitiveness through a proactive, structured and scalable approach to supply chain security. With EY, you have a partner at your side that covers both the depth and breadth of audits, helping you strengthen the resilience of your supply chain in an increasingly uncertain world.
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Language: German

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