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Header of Bitkom Akademie
Congress@it-sa Lecture programme

Between Paths and Pitfalls: Clarity in the Regulatory Landscape of IT-Cybersecur

Learn how to navigate the labyrinth of the latest EU regulations on information security and compliance.

calendar_today Wed, 23.10.2024, 10:00 - 11:00

event_available On site

place Room Krakau, NCC Ost

Action description





Education and training Data protection / GDPR Legislation, standards, regulations Governance, Riskmanagement and Compliance

Key Facts

  • Overview of DORA, NIS, Data Act, CRA, AI Regulation#Interactive workshop with practical focus and discussion#Understand and navigate EU regulations confidently



This action is part of the event Congress@it-sa

Action description

In times when legislation concerning new technologies, information, IT security, and compliance is rapidly increasing, it can be difficult to keep track. This workshop by Bitkom Akademie aims to shed light on these complexities and support you in navigating the latest regulations and laws.

During the workshop, we will thoroughly explore the differences and similarities among various relevant regulations: DORA, NIS 2, CRA, AI Regulation, and Data Act. New terms, regulations, and requirements are constantly emerging—some with names that sound more like marketing tools than regulations.

But is there a clear trend behind the complexity of these regulations? Perhaps the creation of unified rules at the EU level, similar to the GDPR?

We will examine the objectives of these regulations and their practical implementation. The goal of the workshop is to discuss a common legal framework, which can serve as a central guideline for the security sector across various industries, rather than a multitude of national regulations that are difficult to reconcile within individual states.

The workshop will be interactive and varied to promote a comprehensive understanding of these complex topics. Participants will receive an in-depth introduction to the inherent connection between regulations and their practical application. The workshop by Bitkom Akademie invites active participation and offers plenty of room for questions, exchanges of ideas, and detailed discussions.

Sign up and gain clarity in the ever-changing landscape of information security and compliance.
... read more

Participation Limit: 20

Language: German

Questions and Answers: Yes


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