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Forums it-sa Expo Knowledge Forum D

The experience of 20,000 penetration tests

Traditional security verification methods are ineffective; embracing new approaches is crucial for continuous improvement.

calendar_today Wed, 11.10.2023, 13:00 - 13:15

event_available On site

Action Video


Action description





Managed Security Services / Hosting Network Security / Patch Management SIEM / Threat Analytics / SOC

Key Facts

  • Autonomous Pen Testing
  • Continuous verification of security posture
  • Purple Team Approach


This action is part of the event Forums it-sa Expo

Action Video

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Action description

Organizations often employ a variety of tools to secure their environment, many of which are designed to address specific problems without integration. The traditional method of security verification, such as expensive quarterly or annual penetration tests, provides an incomplete understanding of their security posture.

To address this, new approaches are crucial. Continuous verification of security posture is essential, evaluating the collective effectiveness of all tools. The most effective approach involves realistic scenario testing from an attacker's perspective. offers the ideal tool to support this approach, utilizing autonomous penetration tests that simulate an attacker with access. This approach enhances both security posture (identifying vulnerabilities and misconfigurations) and the coordination of tools and teams in the event of an attack.
... read more

Language: German

Questions and Answers: No


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