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Header of Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Knowledge Forum C

Can your employees fend off the next cyber attack?

Innovative and sustainable cybersecurity measurements and measures with a focus on employees will be presented

calendar_today Tue, 10.10.2023, 17:00 - 17:15

event_available On site

place Hall 7, Booth 7-641

Action Video


Action description





Awareness / Phishing / Fraud

Key Facts

  • Measuring the defensive capabilities of employees
  • Design recommendations for effective cybersecurity measures
  • Benchmarking for industries, departments and job profiles

Action Video

grafischer Background

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Action description

Recent cyber attacks have impressively shown that employees are the central vulnerability, through which 82% of cyber attacks were realized in 2022. Thus, it is of high relevance for companies to train their employees specifically on how to defend against cyber attacks. Many companies are already trying to address this relevance through the use of cybersecurity measures and spend an average of EUR 142 per employee on this per year. Nevertheless, the number of cyber attacks is on the rise.

It can be deduced from this that the training measures used by companies do not achieve the desired training success. The reasons for this are a lack of fit and a lack of sustainability in raising employee awareness. Among other things, this is due to the fact that the trainings available on the market often do not sufficiently take into account the requirements of specific industries, organization types/sizes as well as job descriptions.

In this presentation, the speaker will show how the training needs of employees can be determined more specifically by means of IT security competence tests, what sustainable IT security training looks like and how it can be designed.

Especially for decision makers, solutions will be presented to determine the individual information security skills of your employees and to train them in a targeted manner. The precise selection of IT security training measures based on the pre-qualification and job requirements of the individual employees can help to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the area of IT security in the respective organizations.
... read more

Language: German

Questions and Answers: No


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