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Forums it-sa Expo Knowledge Forum A

Secure electronic identities, EUDI Wallet and trust services

What does the reform of the eIDAS VO bring for companies?

calendar_today Thu, 12.10.2023, 12:15 - 13:00

event_available On site

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Education and training Legislation, standards, regulations Mobile Security Data protection / GDPR


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Action Video

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In the areas of e-government and e-justice, Germany is 10-15 years behind other countries. In e-commerce and in other European countries, digitization is also not at the level we would like. Mobile commerce and smartphone payments work in principle and are increasingly being adopted. User-friendly and easy-to-use offers are used quickly and with pleasure.
To promote electronic legal transactions, the European Commission revised the eIDAS Regulation (electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust Services) from 2014 and proposed a number of improvements. In June 2023, an agreement was reached in the trilogue between the EU Commission, the EU Parliament and the European Council, and eIDAS 2.0 can be adopted by the end of 2023 and then become effective in 2025.
The most important innovation of eIDAS 2.0 will be the Digital Identity Wallet. The objectives of the EIDIW are as follows:
- EU citizens should have access to public and private services
- this access should be convenient and secure to use
- Citizens should have control over their personal data
- EUDIW should be available to all citizens of the EU.
- EUDIW shall provide a secure electronic identity that is recognized across Europe.
Trust services are electronic signatures, electronic seals, electronic time stamps, electronic signature and seal validation and preservation services, and qualified certificates for website authentication.
... read more

Language: German

Questions and Answers: No


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