From gamification approaches to on-site support, companies have many options for getting support on the topic of IT security. The Initiative IT-Sicherheit in der Wirtschaft offers companies many support services in the area of IT security.
In the event, representatives of the projects of the Initiative IT-Sicherheit in der Wirtschaft will inform about the different support approaches for medium-sized companies, in the IT security pitches.
Welcome by Sandra Balz, Head of TISiM
Welcome by Gesa Förster, Head of Division Mittelstand-Digital Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection
"LIVE HACKING - IT Security with a difference" with Tobias Schrödel
IT-Security Pitches: Free offers for medium-sized businesses (Moderation: Merle Maurer, TISiM)
- TISiM - Transfer office for IT security in medium-sized businesses
- BAKGame - Using learning games to sustainably increase IT security in SMEs
- IST.Kompetent - Measurable competencies in the field of information technology security
- DA3KMU - Pseudonymizing and anonymizing with open source software
- HITSSSE - Higher IT security through secure software development
- mIT Standard secure - Standard for IT security consulting for SMEs
- ELITE - Achieving IT securiTy through mobile IT sec.popUp labs
- ALARM - Awareness Lab SME (ALARM) Information Security