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it-sa 365: Header Desktop Samsung
IT Security Talks Stream I

Mobile productivity with Microsoft and Samsung

Microsoft Endpoint Manager and Samsung Knox - Unified endpoint security with Zero Trust security controls.

calendar_today Wed, 16.06.2021, 14:00 - 14:15

event_available Digital

Action Video


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Endpoint Protection Mobile Security


This action is part of the event IT Security Talks

Action Video

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This video is available to the it-sa 365 community. 
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Manage your device fleet through Microsoft Endpoint Manager, which can increase business efficiency and protect corporate data.
Secure work data with and without device enrolment.
Protect work data with encryption, anti-virus, firewalls and other technologies that provide meaningful security data and are easy to deploy and manage. MAM and MDM policies control which devices and apps are allowed and control the flow of data outside of trusted mobile apps and devices.
Learn how Samsung Knox solutions can be combined with Microsoft software.
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Language: German

Questions and Answers: Yes


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