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Action of NCP on the subject of VPN Software
IT Security Talks Stream I

VPN software for VS-NfD with BSI approval

Die rein softwarebasierte NCP VS GovNet Lösung verfügt über eine BSI-Zulassung und wird zur sicheren Kommunikation von VS-NfD eingesetzt.

calendar_today Thu, 17.06.2021, 10:00 - 10:15

event_available Digital

Action Video


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Data protection / GDPR Governance, Riskmanagement and Compliance Mobile Security Websecurity / VPN


This action is part of the event IT Security Talks

Action Video

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Action description

When it comes to secure communication of "classified information - for official use only" (VS-NfD), the security of all hardware and software components used plays a particularly important role. This is also the case with the VPN solution used for home offices, among other things, which must comply with the recommendations and specifications of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).

Government officials, administrators and employees must be able to access the network resources and data provided for them quickly and easily, but above all securely. The NCP VS GovNet Connector 2.x and the NCP Secure VPN GovNet Server have BSI approval. Both software components can be used together for secure processing and transmission of VS-NfD. On the user side, only a standard Windows 10 computer is required.

NCP Secure Enterprise Management (SEM) is a fixed component for the operation of the BSI-approved solution. Users benefit from the advantages of central administrability due to the integrated use. The NCP SEM automates and simplifies numerous administration processes such as rapid rollout, central rights and configuration management, as well as simple implementation of policy changes.

The NCP VS GovNet Connector 2.x also has BSI approval for the protection of EU information up to classification level RESTREIT UE/EU RESTRICTED for national use as well as for the protection of NATO information up to classification level NATO RESTRICTED.

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Language: German

Questions and Answers: Yes


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