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default Stage Background
IT Security Talks Stream I

Internet Exposure Monitoring - control over your digital footprint

Maintain control over your intellectual property and your digital footprint through our managed service "IEM".

calendar_today Thu, 15.04.2021, 10:15 - 10:30

event_available Digital

Action Video


Action description





Awareness / Phishing / Fraud Identity and access management Managed Security Services / Hosting


This action is part of the event IT Security Talks

Action Video

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Action description

In order to keep an eye on the dangers of stolen or disclosed data that is freely accessible on the Internet, DCSO GmbH has established a Managed Security Service - Internet Exposure Monitoring (IEM).

IEM focuses on the detection, analysis and reporting of leaked information that is either made freely accessible online through negligence along the supply chain or is available in Darknet forums through active attacks by criminals. In this way, the dissemination of internal company data can be stopped and appropriate corrective action can be taken.

Furthermore, customers gain better visibility and understanding of threats that are beyond their control and can better protect both from attacks, their employees and the company.

Many companies learn of previously unknown data leaks for the first time through our managed service. Ensure that sensitive documents, personal data and your intellectual property do not fall into unauthorized hands.

With the Internet Exposure Monitoring (IEM) of DCSO GmbH you keep control of your digital footprint!

... read more

Language: German

Questions and Answers: Yes


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