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it-sa 365: Header Desktop doIT
IT Security Talks Stream I

eSOC: A modular overall concept

How can a SOC be efficiently set up and operated in order to cover all of your IT security requirements? We'll show you.

calendar_today Wed, 14.04.2021, 13:00 - 13:15

event_available Digital

Action Video


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Managed Security Services / Hosting SIEM / Threat Analytics / SOC


This action is part of the event IT Security Talks

Action Video

it-sa 365 Key Visual

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The market for IT security solutions is confusing, which makes it difficult to find and implement comprehensive protection for your company. Choosing a suitable tool is cumbersome and time-consuming. On the other hand, there is an attack surface that is just as diverse as the threat landscape.

Customers who face this alone are often overwhelmed with the questions:

• Which cyber security product is the best?

• How does it fit into our existing system environment?

• Who helps me?

We answer exactly these questions with our specially developed efficient SOC concept (eSOC for short). The strength of our eSOC concept lies primarily in its clarity. The technical concept and the associated services are complete and leave no questions unanswered. The eSOC concept is based on many years of project experience and is continuously improved and renewed.

In our presentation, we will show you which modules can be used to efficiently set up and operate a security infrastructure. Our use case-based approach - which forms the basis of our eSOC security services - as well as a transparent cooperation play a decisive role in providing you with the necessary know-how to further develop your IT security.

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Language: German

Questions and Answers: Yes


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