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Forums it-sa Expo Knowledge Forum C

The strong doubles: Unified Endpoint Management & Security in perfect interaction

Matrix42 shows how you can balance higher productivity and protection levels.

calendar_today Wed, 13.10.2021, 16:30 - 16:45

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place Forum, Booth 7-641

Action Video


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Endpoint Protection Secure Homeoffice



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Action Video

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Remote work or Bring Your Own Office and unrestricted working with any end device from any location, raise employee productivity to a new level. But where there is light, there is also shadow. A new variety of endpoint types, networks and IP devices in home offices must be secured against data theft and unknown cyber attacks.

Quite a few organizations respond with even more tools. But many are not integrated into support and service processes. Provisioning and securing endpoints, applications and interface devices is often done manually and in separate systems. This costs resources, delays defensive measures and increases risks.

An alternative is to integrate unified endpoint management and endpoint security into one solution. Your IT teams play together and data security becomes an integrated part of an automated process of your software and device management.

Fabian Henzler, VP Prodcts at Matrix42, introduces you to the added values of this powerful double and presents how to balance higher productivity and protection levels.
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Language: German

Questions and Answers: No


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