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it-sa 365: Header Desktop Action Blancco
Launch Days Stream I

Blancco - Efficient erasure processes

How do we combine 100% secure data erasure with current demands of modern IT organizations.

calendar_today Wed, 07.10.2020, 15:45 - 16:00

event_available Digital

Action Video


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Cloud Security Data protection / GDPR Data security / DLP / Know-how protection Endpoint Protection Legislation, standards, regulations Governance, Riskmanagement and Compliance Mobile Security Data Center



This action is part of the event Launch Days

Action Video

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This video is available to the it-sa 365 community. 
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Action description

Increasing requirements due to faster innovation cycles, complex organizations and stricter legal requirements (EU GDPR) require modern erasure processes. These not only have to be 100% secure and verifiable, but also have to be seamlessly integrated into existing infrastructures. In our lecture we will i.a. present the following topics: - Updated standards: DoD vs. NIST with reference to the BSI basic protection - Splunk, ServiceNow, and Co. - open interfaces and extensive compatibility open up new possibilities - Azure, AWS and Co. - Use new technologies without compromising security. - SCCM and Co. data erasure - fully automated, precisely and centrally controlled ... read more

Language: German

Questions and Answers: Yes


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