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it-sa 365: Header Desktop Sonicwall
Launch Days Stream I

New ways to protect against unknown threats

Bring the Power of RTDMI Analysis On-Premises to know and stop unknown threats

calendar_today Wed, 07.10.2020, 14:00 - 14:15

event_available Digital

Action Video


Action description





Awareness / Phishing / Fraud Cloud Security Legislation, standards, regulations Managed Security Services / Hosting Network Security / Patch Management Data Center SIEM / Threat Analytics / SOC


This action is part of the event Launch Days

Action Video

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Action description

Our cloud-based Capture Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) service has been a great success across the SonicWall ecosystem since its introduction in 2016. With hundreds of thousands of networks around the world protected by Capture ATP, the security provided to our customers only continues to get stronger through a powerful network effect. The advanced multi-engine sandboxing technology and our patented Real-Time Deep Memory InspectionTM (RTDMI) technology that comprise the Capture ATP service are built to detect the latest evasive malware and prevent it from landing on end-user machines with technologies like Block Until Verdict. All products in the SonicWall portfolio plug into this powerful Capture ATP engine to provide advanced protection no matter where the user is: endpoint, network, wireless, email, SaaS cloud, private cloud, public cloud and even in remote access products. However, not all organizations can take advantage of this powerful protection against unknown, previously unseen threats. There may be a variety of reasons for this, including regulatory requirements, country-wide data residency requirements and more. For that reason, we're happy to introduce the Capture Security Appliance (CSa) 1000, which brings the power of RTDMI into a fast and efficient 1U form factor. We’ve already bragged about RTDMI's ability to spot evasive malware days and weeks before other malware engines are able to identify it. Now that power can be deployed for a broader set of customers. ... read more

Language: German

Questions and Answers: Yes


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