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it-sa 365: Header Desktop Samsung
Launch Days Stream I

Mobile eID - a short introduction

In this presentation, the current status of the development of an open eID ecosystem for mobile devices is presented from the perspective of Samsung.

calendar_today Tue, 06.10.2020, 15:00 - 15:15

event_available Digital

Action Video


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Data protection / GDPR Data security / DLP / Know-how protection Endpoint Protection Legislation, standards, regulations Identity and access management Mobile Security


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For many users, mobile devices have become an indispensable tool in their increasingly digitized everyday lives. Many tasks of daily life are performed on the move: the terminal device becomes the key to the car and apartment, stores boarding passes and is used to access the bank account. Most such services require the secure storage of identity data and cryptographic key material. Secure transmission, storage and access control to their data is therefore a top priority for the user. While the mobile device enables a wide variety of different applications through apps, the security-relevant data required for these applications is often still transmitted via insecure and proprietary channels (e.g. e-mail, SMS) and there are doubts about data security. For security reasons, external media (cards, QR codes, identification documents) often have to be carried along as well. In the users' practice, such media breaks represent an obstacle or at least an inconvenience. In addition, many services often require the user's identity to be verified at the beginning. This process (e.g. by video verification) is always tedious and time-consuming for those involved. Automation could increase acceptance and security at the same time. For service providers, the multitude of different data formats and devices is an obstacle to the development of universal solutions. The following basic requirements are therefore necessary for the convenient and secure use of electronic identity data on mobile devices: - a uniform, manufacturer-independent security standard for the storage of identity data on mobile devices - open interfaces for the provision of services that use eID data - Compliance with legal guidelines for electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions (e.g. eIDAS regulation) These requirements must be met jointly by service providers, eID issuers and device manufacturers. Samsung has been working with partners in the OPTIMOS project since 2016 to develop an open eID ecosystem for mobile devices. OPTIMOS is a program initiated and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy. In this presentation, the current state of the development of an open and at the same time highly secure eID ecosystem for mobile devices is presented from the perspective of Samsung. ... read more

Language: German

Questions and Answers: Yes


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