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it-sa 365: Header Desktop Rittal
Launch Days Stream I

Security and data sovereignty in industrial data centers

The digitalization in the industry enables new services and business models. Particular attention is paid to data security and sovereignty.

calendar_today Tue, 06.10.2020, 17:15 - 17:30

event_available Digital

Action Video


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Industry 4.0 / IoT / Edge Computing


This action is part of the event Launch Days

Action Video

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The advancing digitization in all areas of society enables new services and business models. Industrial companies in particular are involved along the entire value chain, from the configuration of products by the customer, engineering, production and finally logistics. Particular attention is paid to data security, data sovereignty and integrity - using the example of typical industrial companies. Digital sovereignty not only includes companies and their suppliers, but also raises the fundamental question of where and under what legal framework the data is stored. For example, data protection begins in the production hall of an industrial company when intelligent machines communicate with each other. The data is collected and analyzed by the Edge Data Center, for example to compare it with the digital product and process twin in order to optimize products and processes. ... read more

Language: German

Questions and Answers: Yes


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