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it-sa 365: Header Desktop Mimecast
Launch Days Stream I

Protect your brand, your most valuable asset, from being exploited

Learn how to provide your organization with secure web-access and
prevent brand exploitation.

calendar_today Tue, 06.10.2020, 18:30 - 18:45

event_available Digital

Action Video


Action description



Awareness / Phishing / Fraud Cloud Security Network Security / Patch Management Trend topic



This action is part of the event Launch Days

Action Video

grafischer Background

This video is available to the it-sa 365 community. 
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Action description

If you conduct business online, it is very likely your brand is already being exploited via email or the web. This attack technique has gone well beyond well-known brands like Microsoft, ebay, and Paypal! While IT and security professionals see phishing emails directed at their organizations every day, what about those phishing emails and sites that are directed at customers and partners? Given the vastness of the internet, how do you discover and stop these types of attacks? This session will focus on the scale of the online brand exploitation problem, provide some specific examples across multiple industries, and will discuss best practices for finding, blocking, and ultimately taking down domains - both email and web - which are ripping off legitimate brands. ... read more

Language: German

Questions and Answers: Yes


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