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  • Whitepaper
  • Cloud and Mobile Security

Email DLP or how to stop bleeding sensitive data through your email 

DLP for email protects your business from accidental or malicious leaks of sensitive data in your outgoing communications.

Every unprotected email that leaves your company can be intercepted, exploited or manipulated by hackers. This poses a great risk, especially for the sensitive data it contains. Consider the damage that can be done and the kind of fraud that credit card or account numbers, user data and passwords, financial reports or confidential documents, personal information such as customers' national insurance numbers can be used for. Not to mention the legal fines due to non-compliance with data protection regulations.

This is why more and more companies are opting for Data Loss Prevention (DLP). DLP refers to any technology used to protect data. For email, DLP specialises in preventing data leaks from email communication by blocking insider threats, mitigating human error, and detecting sensitive data and suspicious activity.

In this whitepaper, our experts explain what DLP is and how it can help you stop malicious or accidental data leaks from the emails that leave your organisation. Find out who benefits most from DLP, what situations it can prevent and what rules you need to define in your company to make sure your DLP technology works optimally.

Whitepaper Download - exclusively for registered users


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