
With the Programme you can get a comprehensive overview of the presentations of our providers for a specific event. An action has captured your interest? Register directly for the respective presentation slot! Click on the selected action for further information and the participation button. As a registered user, you can use the platform free of charge and participate in our digital action formats, among others.

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With the Programme you can get a comprehensive overview of the presentations of our providers for a specific event. An action has captured your interest? Register directly for the respective presentation slot! Click on the selected action for further information and the participation button. As a registered user, you can use the platform free of charge and participate in our digital action formats, among others.

Register now for free!

Review it-sa Expo&Congress: Programme overview Onsite & Online

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it-sa@home - the hybrid Expo-Channel

We made it-sa Expo&Congress a digital experience for the community - with the innovative format for the IT security trade fair in October!  The recordings of the sessions are afterwards available online.

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Digital Preview Day

With the Digital Preview Day on 8 October 2024, the community has an opportunity to inform themselves digitally and interactively about the upcoming trade fair. As a user of it-sa 365, your participation in the Digital Preview Day is completely free of charge.