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Header of Radware GmbH
Forums it-sa Expo Knowledge Forum D

Protection strategies in the age of AI: Security through and with AI

Innovative AI-powered defense strategies that effectively counter AI-driven threats and protect networks, applications and business processe

calendar_today Tue, 22.10.2024, 11:15 - 11:30

event_available On site

place Hall 7A, Booth 7A-106

Action description



Cloud Security

Key Facts

  • AI
  • Application Security, DDoS
  • Compliance, Legislation, Risk Management



This action is part of the event Forums it-sa Expo

Action description

In a world where everything is powered by AI, cyberattacks also use these technologies as they strive to evolve and lead the eternal race between attackers and defenders.
More intelligent attack scenarios are meeting ever-increasing security requirements, including to better comply with the requirements of relevant guidelines such as NIS-2, DORA and PCI-DSS.
Join us as we explore the emerging challenges posed by the weaponization of Generative AI and its impact on current defense models. Discover innovative AI-powered defense platforms designed to counter AI-driven threats, focusing on three key concepts:
• Protect BY AI: Leveraging AI to enhance traditional defense mechanisms.
• Protect THE AI: Safeguarding AI systems from adversarial attacks.
• Remediate WITH AI: Utilizing AI for swift and effective threat remediation.
... read more

Language: German

Questions and Answers: No


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