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Forums it-sa Expo Knowledge Forum C

Post-quantum encryption - How do we protect ourselves from the future?

Current encryption methods and the risks ‘Post Quantum’.
Encryption methods even after the introduction of quantum computers.

calendar_today Wed, 23.10.2024, 13:30 - 13:45

event_available On site

place Hall 7, Booth 7-641

Action description





Trend topic

Key Facts

  • Post-quantum
  • Encryption
  • Quantum computer technology



This action is part of the event Forums it-sa Expo

Action description

We need to start thinking about the future now. Current encryption methods will no longer be state of the art in the near future.
Due to the rapidly increasing computing power of quantum computer technology, it will be possible in a few years to decrypt files and VPN connections with today's encryption standard in a short space of time and without great effort.
In order to counteract this development, the responsible institutes such as BSI and ANSII are already working on a new encryption standard that will remain secure in the future.
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Language: German

Questions and Answers: No


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