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Header of Netscope
Forums it-sa Expo Knowledge Forum D

SASE Myths - Mythbuster Edition

The term SASE has become a buzzword in the industry.

This presentation is about demystifying these myths.

calendar_today Tue, 10.10.2023, 13:45 - 14:00

event_available On site

place Forum, Booth 7A-106

Action Video


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Cloud Security Websecurity / VPN Trend topic

Key Facts

  • SASE - More than just a hype
  • Complex, Insecure, Slow - SASE Myths Busted
  • At full speed into a new architecture with Netskope


This action is part of the event Forums it-sa Expo

Action Video

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In my presentation I will deal with the topic of Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) and clear up the most common myths and misconceptions about it. SASE is an emerging concept that integrates networking and security functions into a single cloud-based solution.

The first myth we will look at is that SASE is only relevant for large companies. In fact, SASE is suitable for both large and small to medium-sized businesses because it offers an efficient and cost-effective solution that improves network efficiency and increases security.

Another myth says that SASE completely replaces the existing infrastructure. This is not the case as SASE acts as a complement to the existing infrastructure and offers the benefits of the cloud and network security consolidation.

A third myth is that SASE degrades network performance. In reality, SASE enables network performance optimization by efficiently routing traffic across different locations and cloud services.

I will also address the myth claim that SASE compromises security. Here I will explain that SASE does indeed provide increased security as it integrates advanced features such as Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) and Data Loss Prevention (DLP).

Finally, I will discuss the future prospects of SASE, noting that it is a promising concept that continues to mature and could become a preferred solution for enterprises.

This presentation aims to debunk common myths surrounding SASE and provide a better understanding of its benefits and uses.
... read more

Language: German

Questions and Answers: No


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