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it-sa 365 Actions

it-sa 365 Barcamp

on 19 September at 2 p.m., the digital barcamp at it-sa 365 will take place again!

calendar_today Tue, 19.09.2023, 14:00 - 17:00

event_available Digital

Action description





This action is part of the event it-sa 365 Actions

Action description

In small virtual groups, the topic of "Open Source" is explored in depth in a barcamp format. Various people who are interested in a topic related to open source can exchange ideas freely and openly within about 45 minutes. Thoughts, ideas and experiences are to be shared here in order to gain even more insights and further advance the open source community.
In these interactive sessions, everyone discusses at eye level, because everyone is respected as an expert in their field. It is an inspiring environment where people meet in a relaxed way, make new contacts and share a passion for the topics together.

Each participant will receive a free ticket to the it-sa Expo from 10-12 October and will have the opportunity to continue the exchange in person at the on-site matchmaking area!

Register now for free!
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Language: German

Questions and Answers: No


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